
Android studio apk inspector
Android studio apk inspector

android studio apk inspector

You can deliver feature modules in different ways: You can use the Play Feature Delivery to modularize your app and include feature modules.Simplify release management, removing the complexity of publishing and managing multiple APKs.

android studio apk inspector

  • Publish smaller apps, facilitating faster installs and smaller size-on-disk, which can lead to fewer uninstalls.
  • Google Play then manages and serves your app's distribution APKs for you. This means you only need to build, sign, and upload a single app bundle to support optimized APKs for a wide variety of device configurations.

    android studio apk inspector

    Google Play uses app bundles to build and deliver APKs that are optimized for each device configuration, providing users with more efficient apps. You can also access useful metadata, downloads, and insight into what Google Play generates for asset delivery. Using the app bundle explorer in Play Console, you can easily manage your app bundles and versions in one place. Publishing using app bundles helps to reduce the size of your app, simplify releases, and enable advanced distribution features. The Android App Bundle is the publishing format on Google Play. To know more, read The Future of Android App Bundles is here, on the Android Developers Blog. New apps larger than 150MB can use either Play Asset Delivery or Play Feature Delivery. Starting August 2021, new apps are required to publish with the Android App Bundle on Google Play.

    Android studio apk inspector