
What does liquid rainbow do in diablo 3
What does liquid rainbow do in diablo 3

what does liquid rainbow do in diablo 3

  • Liquid Rainbow: Spawns in the Mysterious Cave in the Mysterious Chest in the Oasis, Act 2.
  • what does liquid rainbow do in diablo 3 what does liquid rainbow do in diablo 3

    Shinbone: Spawns randomly in the fireplace in Leoric's Manor, Act 1.Black Mushroom: This spawns in Cathedral Level 1, Act 1.According to the Diablo 3 Wiki on IGN, here's how you can unlock this secret world full of rainbows and teddy bears:įirst you need to create a staff with the following properties: "You think Diablo 3 looks too cute and cuddly? Well, how about now?" That seems to be the response from the Diablo 3 team with their creation of the land of Whimsyshire, which is some parts "cow level," and most parts a fun little jab at all of the early feedback of Diablo 3's first batch of screenshots from a couple of years ago.

    What does liquid rainbow do in diablo 3